Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You Didn't Guess it!!

So the unthinkable is happening. WE ARE MOVING YET AGAIN!!!!! This will be our SIXTH move I think since we have been married (3 years). This move is completely worth it though. We are moving into a house! When I called my family to tell them I asked my mom to guess what my news was. She said, "You're moving." But she was completely joking. I sure surprised her when I said she was correct. It has been a super busy month. We are packing up again, but we are also fixing up the house before we move. WOW! What a project. I just think of the end result and it keeps me going. The other day we flooding the house a little also. Opps :( I was moping up that mess for a while. We are painting the entire house. We had to wash, spackle, sand, prim, and then tape. The prep work was the hardest. The little things take the longest. It is looking good already! It's amazing what a good coat of new paint can do to a house. We are doing new carpet and laminate throughout the house as well. At least it didn't get wet before we did this :) This is all I think about and try to work on it during Cameron's naps while Jake's mom watches him. We couldn't have done it without his family. They have helped so much. Before and After pictures to come. It will be fun to compare the pictures and see how much we have done.


Jess said...

That's so exciting! House party! Haha, let us know if you need anything! We're happy for you guys!

Anonymous said...

so excited for you guys! Let us know if you need any help with anything! We need to get together soon!