Friday, July 25, 2008

Growing Belly

5 Month Belly shot!!
Ashley's belly!!

Jake felt left out and wanted to take a picture of his belly too.

My growing belly!

Jake and I just chilling

I thought it was about time to post some belly pictures. It will be fun to keep track of the progress so I can remember. My belly has been growing steadily. It is crazy how fast it seemed to happen. My growing belly is slowing me down a bit, but I love it. It is much better than being sick. My legs ache a lot and Jake is a good sport and massages them a lot! I just try and take it easy most of the day, because I get tired very easily.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's a BOY!

I recently had my first ultra-sound and found out we are having a BOY! He is healthy and very active. He was so funny during the ultra-sound -- fliping and moving all over the place. He even sucked his thumb for us. I tried to get the ultra-sound pictures on our blog, but they weren't very clear. It was such a wonderful experience for Jake and I to see our little baby. It made it so much more real. Now we can start really thinking of names! I have also found myself constantly looking at babies clothes, toys, cribs, etc that we will be needing soon. We are getting sooo excited!!