Friday, November 25, 2011


The Taylor saga continues. I have Taylor on medication for her spit up and it was helping a little. She however started getting worse again. She would seem like she was hungry and then after eating for a little pull away screaming in pain. It was so sad to see. We were getting worried because was also spitting up like crazy (8-10 times each feeding) and soaking entire blankets (we had burp blankets, not cloths). She was just sad all the time and hardly slept. She was unconsolable. I was crying one day and praying like crazy and I had some inspiration. I called Jake's mom and asked her to buy some soy formula for me. She did and the first bottle I gave her she kept down. I took her to an allergist and it was confirmed she has an intense milk allergy. (Before i put her on soy i was cutting out milk, cheese, yogert, and ice cream only). She has been on soy formula ever since and is the happiest baby in the world. She hardly spits up and smiles all the time. We are so happy... for us and her! She is seriously the best baby and we can't stop smiling. We felt bad it took us so long to figure out, but we are so happy we did finally. Jake had the same allergy as a baby and that's what clued me in to see if this was her problem. She just wants to be like her dad :) More pictures to come of our HAPPY baby.

1 comment:

Manda said...

I'm so glad you figured it out! My sister's baby is on soy formula too for the same reason and it has made a world of difference!