Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cameron Jacob Rust

These are pictures from the day before I went into labor!!
Our son Cameron Jacob Rust has finally been born!!! After about 12 hours of labor he was born on November 4th at 12:27pm. He was 20 1/2 inches long and weighed 8 lbs 2 ozs. After having kind of a rough pregnany, it is amazing to finally have him here with us. As soon as he was born I was so incredibly happy. I forgot almost instantly how painful it had been and also how sick I was. I can now enjoy food, kiss my husband, and all sorts of wonderful things.
Cameron is just the sweetest baby in the world. He sleeps so good and is feeding beautifully as well. I feel very blessed and spoiled. We are both just a little sleep deprived. The only thing that we had to get checked was his bilirubun count (for jaudice). It was a little high when we left the hospital but it was normal after he was checked two days later.
He has already grown and is now 22 inches. He was discharged from the hospital at 7 lbs 9 ozs and now is 7 lbs 13 ozs. He looks so long and skinny. He also got his circumcision and he didn't even cry. His pediatrician was very impressed. He is as healthy as can be and it is so fun to actually have him here with us. I can just look at him forever...I spend a lot of time doing that. I feel so blessed to have a healthy baby with no problems. It is an added bonus that he is also a very calm and sweet baby.
My mom is here to help for two weeks and she has been a life saver. She cooks our meals, cleans, does laundry, and helps with the night basically she does it all. I will sure miss her when she is gone. Love ya mom!

Our little family
Our handsome son
Father & son

Getting checked...he passed all the tests with flying colors

Cameron on the scale!

Just a little bit after his birth...I was very tired but happy!!


Celeste said...

Congratulation Ashley! I'm so happy for you guys. What a wonderful, wonderful thing.

Kimberley said...

Hey! Seriously, I've been checking your blog daily for the past 2 weeks to see if your baby had been born or not!!! I'm so thrilled!! Congratulations!!! Enjoy these wonderful days and this new journey! - Kim

A C said...

Congratulations! He is so adorable! We are really excited to seem him, and we're glad that everything went well with the delivery!

Trent and Kim said...

Congratulations!!! He is so cute!! I am so happy for you guys. I think babies are the best.

Mimsy said...

Ashley, this is your aunt wendy and Celeste is teaching me to blog:( Cameron is a beautiful baby. You, he, and Jake are a gorgeous family. I'm glad your mom was there. She saved our lives when the twins were born.

Anonymous said...

He is a sweetie! We are glad you are all still doing well! Babies are the greatest!