Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Our sweet little Taylor was in the hospital for 5 days recently. She is home now safe and sound, but she gave us a bit of a scare. We are very blessed to have so many friends who prayed for her. Here is her story. She was not eating and seemed pretty sick before we left for my sister Stephanie's wedding/family vacation, but she seemed to do better right before it was time to go. She seemed okay the entire time we were on vacation. However the Saturday we drove back home she had a bad fever, was vomiting and was just miserable. She stopped eating and just got worse and worse by Sunday, with her fever getting up to 106. Jake took her into the ER and they did a bunch of tests on her to find out what she had. Turns out she had Human metapneumovirus (hMPV). It causes lower and upper respiratory tract infections in people of all ages. Like RSV, it is seasonal. It is second to RSV for causing respiratory illnesses like pneumonia. Respiratory illnesses most often occur in young children or older adults. She developed a really bad case of bronchiolitis. Their is no treatment for this virus, but they did put her on oxygen, and IV fluids, and i think a few other things. I never got to see her till she was getting better, because I was sick myself. She was such a trooper and is doing great now. She is eating great and back to her happy self. Smiles for everyone!!!


Manda said...

I'm glad she's doing better! It's so hard to see your baby on oxygen but it's so nice to know we live in a time where she can be treated:)

Her little hospital gown is adorable!

Marguerite said...

I sure love this chubby little girl.

Jess said...

I was so sad to read that you guys had to go through this! I'm glad she's healthy again! We need to get together soon and introduce our little girls! :)

Katie said...

Oh I had no idea! Im so glad she is okay poor little thing. Its so hard to see your little ones go through stuff like that, im sorry. miss you guys!