Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Cameron loves helping me cook! The other day he decided to take matters into his own hands though. It was pretty funny :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

mission impossible!

I found this on You Tube the other day. I laughed so hard :) Yea for home teaching and visiting teaching. If you need a little boost in that area...watch it! It may seem like mission impossible, but it is worth it! P.S. Tom Cruise kind of scares me.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Rust Reunion!

We went to Oregon at the end of July for the Rust Reunion!
It was lots of fun and great to meet a lot of Rusts I've
never met before. We stayed in Wallowa in a cute cabin.
It was by the lake there and it was beautiful.
I love vacations! The only downside was we had
to drive 12 hours to get there :(
We played mini-golf. Cameron loved it!
Cameron found some flowers and played with
them for a long time.
Just chilling!
The boys!

Cute close-up
A rare picture of just us :)

We went to a rodeo one night and it was great! This was monkeys
on dogs who were herding sheep to different places. It
was pretty funny.

Cameron sat pretty good through the entire rodeo.

This picture has a funny story. Cameron's car seat was in
the cabin we were staying at. We were just watching tv and handing out
and then suddenly we look over and he is in his car seat. He then
wanted us to buckle him in. He sat there watching tv with us like that
for quite a while. Good times :)

Some videos of the rodeo. There was a lady behind us who
yelled loud so sorry. Great Rodeo!!!!